Carolina Drifters – May 2024 rally recap/newsletter

I connected with Gary Lyons, president of the Carolina Drifters, today as my wife, Dottie, and I have been looking for a local chapter that is active in our area – one that will schedule 6 or more rallies a year.  I first looked at the the scheduled Chapter Rallies here on our web-site for one that was near enough and that would fit our schedule.  Then I looked at that Chapter’s Profile to get a feel for the group.  Finally, I searched EAMA site for their newsletters and there weren’t any – not a singe one.  So, I wrote Gary (didn’t tell him I was the webmaster here) and asked if they had any internet presence (Facebook or website) and any newsletters.  He responded quickly and was excited to hear that we might join them for their September rally.  He told me how to find their private Facebook page and was quick to approve my request to join.  I have a friend that is a member the Carolina Drifters  (I didn’t realize that) and was glad to see that and was also happy to find the most recent newsletter posted as a document link on their group Facebook page.  I’m saving you all the hoops that I went through to get it and am posting it here below.  Enjoy!


Carolina Drifters Newsletter – Pine Ridge May 2024