Tim Keppler September 13, 2024 0 Comments

Be on the lookout - your Registration Credentials Packets have just been mailed.  This would include those who might have requested just the Passports.  That being said, give it a few days to a week before you

Tim Keppler August 31, 2024 0 Comments

You need to be informed about an upcoming vote at GEAR 2024 on a proposed EAMA ByLaws change for our Eastern Area.  The proposed changes are shown in the document in GREEN TEXT.  You can find this

Tim Keppler August 10, 2024 0 Comments

This link will take you to the latest GEAR 2024 news as of July 26, 2024: GEAR July 26 Update

So - you have questions about the upcoming Great Eastern Area Rally?  GEAR 2024.  Where do you find the answers?  Right here!  Click the link below to read the Frequently Asked Questions:   GEAR 2024 FAQs

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