And Kenny came in second with the Colonial Virginians Newsletter for next year month. Second place is not bad - but, that allowed him to bump Baynard to second place on the bragging rights for who was
And Kenny came in second with the Colonial Virginians Newsletter for next year month. Second place is not bad - but, that allowed him to bump Baynard to second place on the bragging rights for who was
Baynard is the first one to submit a newsletter for 2025 AND the last one, I suspect, to submit a newsletter in 2024. Of course, there are no awards for either. I believe that just pointing that
Hi Maestros Attached below are two PDFs. The first one is a 2-page copy the Minutes of the Eastern Sharps & Flats Annual Meeting held on October 19th in Gaffney, SC. The second is our 4-page December
I had a nice chat today with Jerry Clemmer, president of the Colonial Virginians. That conversation was quickly followed by copy of their latest newsletter. I had promised Jerry that I'd post it within 48 hours of
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Annual report - fmca-ea website"]