GEAR Sign Up Sheets (coming)

Tim Keppler September 18, 2024 0 Comments

We hope to be able to provide information on these following items and contact information for each category so you will know when where and how to sign up for:


Bingo Game

Beanbag baseball

Dog Parade

RV decoration for the ‘season’

Scavenger Hunt

Honey Wagon

Biltmore Tours

Whiskey Distillery Tour


The above may only be a partial list – or there may be some items listed here that may be scratched before the rally.  This page is a work in progress.  My goal is to provide a link from here to a page for each item which will allow you to either fill out some information online and submit or to send an e-mail to sign up or maybe just the information and a phone number to contact the organizer.  Let’s see what can be done with this page. – webmaster